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Data Support for All File Types

Oct 9, 2024

  • The view file page now supports data entry for all types of files: invoices, pay applications, lien documents, contracts, etc. You can also now enter multiple items for a single document in the event that different types of documents are combined into a single PDF.

  • Data entered from each file is now shown on the draw and vendor pages.

  • If a contract is added for a vendor the contract amount will be shown as the committed budget on the vendor's detail page.

  • The draw page now has an option to download all PDFs as one combined file. (Other file types will be supported in the future. In the meantime, you can use the "Upload New Version" function to upload a PDF version as a workaround).

File Page Updates

Sep 17, 2024

We are busy working on some big changes that will bring more of the draw workflow together. Those will be rolled out in stages over the next few weeks. In the meantime, today we introduced a few small improvements to the file details page.

  • PDF page rotation: You can now rotate the preview page clockwise to view it in the correct orientation when on the file details page with the preview.

  • Delete files: On the same page, there is a small "…" menu on the upper right with an item that lets you delete files.

  • Vendor search and create: The drop down box that allows you to link a vendor with a file now supports search, allowing you to find the right entry more quickly. In addition, you can also enter a new name and create a new vendor on the spot.

Initial Launch!

Aug 22, 2024

We're excited to announce the initial launch of the Yardstone platform! This initial version is focused on file management which will serve as the foundation for many additional features yet to come.


  • Login via one-time password aka magic link

  • Invite users to your team

  • Set up auto-join to allow users with specific email domains to join your team automatically


  • Create and edit projects

  • Upload files to your project via the web or a project specific email address

  • Classify and tag files by document type, draw, vendor, and custom tags

  • Create and edit draw periods

  • Create and edit vendor details

  • Track a event log of changes made to draws

We will update this page regularly with release notes.